DAW Regulations

All participating companies must ensure that they are familiar with the rules and regulations within their local area regarding performances safeguarding, health and safety.

  • Establishing the foundational principles, this document outlines the governance and operational standards of the Drama Association of Wales as of 2009.

  • Serving as a model, these regional rules and regulations provide a standard framework for theatrical competitions and activities.

  • Specific to Wales, this set of rules and regulations dictates the conduct and criteria for final theatrical events and competitions within the region.

  • These rules set the stage for the British finals, outlining participant conduct, competition standards, and evaluation criteria.

    Please note that there may be differences between rules between these and the British Final Rules.

  • Utilised by the Guild of Drama Adjudicators, this marking scheme details the evaluation process and criteria for theatrical performances, ensuring a standardised assessment across competitions.

All documentation shown below:

DAW Constitution 2009

Regional Rules & Regulations

Wales Final Rules & Regulations

British Final Rules & Regulations

GoDA Marking Schemes