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Angela Tidswell with Richard Jones, Phoenix Theatre Company

DAW Lifetime Achievement Award

In Honour of Angela Tidswell

  • Angela's acting career began in 1946 as a 16yr old playing Lady Bracknell in The Importance of Being Earnest at Beverley Grammar School in Yorkshire. So began her love and commitment to amateur theatre that lasted a lifetime.

    In 1973 she was now living in Holywell and joined the St. James's Players, acting and directing in numerous plays. She then became a member of the newly formed Studio Players in Flint and performed in lots of different plays, including The Crucible, Fen, Thwarting of Baron Bolligrew. Her portrayal of an SS prison guard in Schweyk in the Second World War was truly memorable.

    In the mid 1990's, Angela joined Phoenix Theatre Company and appeared in many productions. Her favourite roles were Mrs Northrop in When We Are Married, Conjur Woman in Dark of the Moon, Florence Boothroyd in Billy Liar and Audrey in Ten Times Table.

    Her favourite role in a one-act play was Granny One in Jack Boswell's Low Comedy Woman. When rehearsals started she asked the Director, "Would you like me to play Granny with my teeth out?" The offer was accepted!

    Her performance was so good, she won best supporting performance at three festivals, CCTA One-Act Festival, The Leverhulme Festival, and The Comedy Festival in Bridgnorth. When she went on stage to collect her award in Bridgnorth, the packed audience were all chanting, "Granny, Granny, Granny." She was overwhelmed.

    Angela had the most expressive face and a powerful speaking voice. She was equally good playing comedy or serious roles. Had she had the right opportunities in her younger days she could easily made a career on the professional stage or television.

    She could have played a major role in Coronation Street - Ena Sharples comes to mind - and she would have been brilliant as Norah Batty.

    Always fondly remembered since her passing on 18th October 2011.

    Richard Jones

    Phoenix Theatre Company

  • 2024 Richard Jones, Clwyd Community Drama Association

    2023 Margaret Kynaston, Montgomeryshire Community Drama Association & Mavis Gibbs, Glamorgan Drama League

    2022 John & Stroma Williams, Clwyd Community Drama Association

    2016-2021 Not awarded

    2015 Claire Jones, Gwent Drama Association

    2014 Teresa (Teri) McCarthy, Glamorgan Drama League

    2013 Richard Brazier, Montgomeryshire Community Drama Association (awarded posthumously)

    2012 Gareth Gibbs, Glamorgan Drama League

  • Awarded for Best Overall Production

All Awards

  • Best Original Script receiving its premiere in the regional rounds.

    The Crawshay Cup Competition exists to encourage the writing of new material for the stage and to encourage amateur groups to perform new work.

    It is awarded annually to an original one act play receiving its festival premier in the first round (in Wales) of the National Festival of Community Theatre – otherwise known as the regional one act festivals.

    The Winner of the Crawshay Cup will be awarded to the Author of the winning entry at the Wales Final Festival of One-Act Plays.

    The competition is administered by Sue Jones, Trustee, Drama Association of Wales. This year once again the competition will be judged by an independent judge.

    Entries must not have been published before their performance in the Wales Regional One-Act Festival Round which is part of the National Festival of Community Theatre.
    They may be performed in one local run prior to the festival.

    Entry form

  • Introduced in 1995 when Milford Haven Refinery sponsored the Wales Final. Awarded for Best Individual Performance.

  • Introduced in 2000 by Wales Final organisers Bernie & Leigh Smailes. Awarded for Best Presentation

  • Introduced in 2018, awarded for backstage work

  • Introduced in 2017, Awarded to Best Director